Group seminars

Group seminars

Seminar calender Winter term 2024/2025

24.10.2024, 13.30 s.t., 5.0.21 Merlin-Arthur Sauerwein
Fabricating ultraclean CNT quantum dots

31.10.2024, 13.30 s.t., 5.0.21 Christoph Strunk
Superconductivity near the superconductor-insulator transition

15.11.2024, 14:00 s.t., 5.1.34B Alexander Weitzel
Superfluid stiffness of a strongly disordered superconductor close to the superconductor insulator transition

21.11.2024, 13.30 s.t., 5.0.21 Benedikt Baumgartner
Magnetochiral anisotropy in superconducting CoSi2

05.12.2024, 13.30 s.t., 5.0.21 Michelle Wölfinger
Novel fabrication techniques for ultra-short ballistic Josephson junctions

12.12.2024, 13.30 s.t., 5.0.21 Dmitriy Kozlov
Quantum Hall effect

09.01.2025, 13.30 s.t., 5.0.21 Magdalena Marganska
Friedel oscillations and chiral superconductivity in monolayer NbSe2

23.01.2025, 13.30 s.t., 5.0.21 Jan Bärenfaenger
All-two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures for spin injection and detection

06.02.2025, 13.30 s.t., 5.0.21 Lorenz Bauriedl
Data from the recent sample - current depending inductance

Seminar calender Summer term 2024

25.04.2024, 13.30 s.t. Benedikt Baumgartner
Signatures of Rashba and triplet superconductivity in CoSi2

23.05.2024, 13.30 s.t. Alex Kirchner
Microwave Characterization of Planar Josephson Junction Arrays

20.06.2024, 13.30 s.t. Furkan Oezyigit

04.07.2024, 13.30 s.t. Johanna Berger
Spin-orbit induced anomalous phase-shift in kinked Al/InAs Josephson junctions

11.07.2024, 13.30 s.t. Konstantin Schneider

18.07.2024, 13.30 s.t. Tobias Völkl
Imaging Current Vortices and Thermoelectric Cooling with SQUID-on-tip Microscopy

25.07.2024, 13.30 s.t. Narges Momeni-Ghalehghasemi
Quantum interference in a resistive three terminal junction

Seminar calender Winter term 2023/2024

26.10.2023 13.15 s.t. Tim Ascherl
Asymmetric DC-SQUIDs based on ballistic Al/In/As heterostructures

02.11.2023 13.15 s.t. Robin Schock
T. B. A.

09.11.2023 13.30 s.t. Thibault Charpentier
Quantum circuits and the superconductor-insulator transition in a disordered superconductor

16.11.2023 13.15 s.t. Simon Reinhardt
Magnetochiral vortex ratchet effect in two-dimensional superconductor/semiconductor Josephson junction arrays

23.11.2023 13.15 s.t. Simon Feyrer
Anisotropic magnetic field dependence in hybrid superconductor/semiconductor microwave resonator as a signature of non-trivial induced superconductivity

30.11.2023 13.15 s.t. Stefan Obloh
Transport spectroscopy on MoS2 nanotubes

14.12.2023 13.15 s.t. Ignacio Lobato
Quarter wave microwave resonator in Nb and frequency tunable resonator in Al/InAs

11.01.2024 13.15 s.t. Michael Bücker
Towards measurement of the superconducting energy gap in NbN thin films

25.01.2024 13.15 s.t. Niklas Hüttner
Anomalous current phase relations of Josephson junctions with HgTe Nanowires

08.02.2024 13.15 s.t. Sami Campopiano
Herstellung von NbSe2 Nanowire unter Verwendung von MoS2-Tubes als Ätzmaske

15.02.2024 13.15 s.t. Lea Pfaffinger
Size dependence of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition

Seminar calender Summer term 2023

04.05.2023 at 12.30 s.t. Maximilian Ufer
Investigation Of Inductance Effects In Thin Aluminium Films

11.05.2023 at 13.30 s.t. Benedikt Baumgartner
Superconducting resonators in the 200 MHz regime for CoSi2 kinetic inductance measurements

25.05.2023 at 13.30 s.t. Tim Ascherl
Asymmetric DC SQUIDs based on ballistic aluminum/InAs heterostructures

15.06.2023 at 13.30 s.t. Konstantin D. Schneider
Superconduction in MoS2 Nanotubes

29.06.2023 at 13.30 s.t. Dhavala Suri
Non reciprocal supercurrent in magnetic Josephson junctions

13.07.2023 at 13.30 s.t. Stefan Binder
Transport Spectroscopy of ultraclean Carbon Nanotubes

Seminar calender Winter term 2022/2023

27.10.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Simon Reinhardt & Niklas Hüttner
Reports from LT29

10.11.2022 at 13.30 s.t.
Reports from LT29

17.11.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Sami Campopiano

01.12.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Jonathan Neuwald

22.12.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Niklas Hüttner

12.01.2023 at 13.30 s.t. Akong Loh

26.01.2023 at 13.30 s.t. Prof. Dr. Juhn Jong Lin
Observation of spin-triplet superconductivity in nonmagnetic CoSi2/TiSi2 heterostructures

02.02.2023 at 13.30 s.t. Fabian Stadler
Improving CNT growth and transfer methods for optomechanical devices

09.02.2023 at 13.30 s.t. Melanie Kätker

Seminar calender Summer term 2022

28.07.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Dorian Nicolas
Hall-bar fabrication for the characterization of NiBi bilayers

21.07.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Maximilian Ufer
Investigation of vortex inductance in thin film aluminium on GaAs

14.07.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Jonathan Neuwald
Coulomb blockade in MoS2 Nanotubes

07.07.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Roman Dehling
In plane magnetic field dependence of the normal-superconducting- and BKT-transition in an Al/GaAs thin film meander

23.06.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Lukas Rupp
Pinning properties of superconducting niobium antidots on mercury telluride

09.06.2022 at 13.30 s.t. PD Dr. Andreas Hüttel
How to write a thesis!

Seminar calender Winter term 2021/2022

05.05.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Michaela Eichinger
Gate-Tunable Transmon Using Selective-Area-Grown Superconductor-Semiconductor Hybrid Structures on Silicon

27.01.2022 at 13.30 s.t. Monika Mügschl-Scharf
From Research to Business - Starting up at UR!

20.01.2022 at 13.15 s.t. Leonard Barcsay
Charakterisierung eines Lithiumionen basierten festen Ionenleiters

13.01.2022 at 13.15 s.t. Maria-Teresa Handschuh
MoRe as superconductor for quantum devices

16.12.2021 at 13.15 s.t. Thomas Huber
Transport properties of an ultra-thin granular aluminum film

09.12.2021 at 13.15 s.t. Nicole Kellner
Improving microwave resonators in nanotube microwave optomechanics

25.11.2021 at 13.15 s.t. Robin Schock
Low-temperature transport properties of MoS2 nanotubes

11.11.2021 at 12:45 s.t. Simon Feyrer
Measurements of weak anti localization in Al-InAs narrow wires orientated on different crystal axes

Seminar calender Summer term 2021

01.07.2021 at 14:15 s.t. Lorenz Bauriedl
Superconducting diode effect in NbSe2 constrictions

24.06.2021 at 14:15 s.t. Lea Pfaffinger
Measurements on NbN thin films using a RLC-circuit

10.06.2021 at 14:15 s.t. Nicole Keller
Improving coupling in Nanotube Microwave Optomechanics

27.05.2021 at 14:15 s.t. Maria-Teresa Handschuh
Superconducting MoGe and MoRe for graphene quantum electronics

20.05.2021 at 14:15 s.t. Simon Reinhardt
Status report on scanning Hall setup: Hall sensors and cryogenic low-power/low-noise voltage amplification

06.05.2021 at 14:15 s.t. Nicolas Paulik
Van der Waals superconductors for non-reciprocal transport experiments

06.05.2021 at 14:15 s.t. Quentin Vijverberg
Pick up and stamping of carbon nanotubes

29.04.2021 at 13:30 s.t. Andreas K. Hüttel
Subversion for Physicists

Seminar calender Winter term 2020/2021

11.02.2021 at 13:30 s.t. Alexander Weitzel
Superfluid stiffness in highly disordered NbN-films

28.01.2021 at 13:30 s.t. Thomas Huber
Transport properties of an ultra-thin granular aluminum film

14.01.2021 at 13:30 s.t. Lorenz Fuchs
Non-reciprocal transport in epitaxial two-dimensional Al/InAs heterostructures

10.12.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Hannes Schmid
Non-reciprocal resistance in Al/InAs heterostructures

03.12.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Michael Bücker
Characterization of highly disordered NbN films: Effect of Oxidation on the Superconducting Phase Transition Temperature

26.11.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Josua Thieme
Characterisation of epitaxial Al/InAs Heterostructures: Magnetotransport and Josephson Effect

19.11.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Andreas Costa (group of Prof. Fabian)
Spin-orbit coupling assisted transport phenomena in superconducting tunnel junctions

12.11.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Christian Baumgartner
Josephson inductance as a probe for highly ballistic semiconductor-superconductor weak links
05.11.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Lukas Bruckmeier
Measurements on granular aluminum at the superconductor-insulator transition

Seminar calender Summer term 2020

23.07.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Ferdinand Hölzl
Fabrication and characterization of patterned constrictions in few-layer NbSe2 crystals

16.07.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Lorenz Fuchs
Kinetic and vortex inductance in epitaxial 2d-Al/InAs heterostructures - possible signatures of unconventional superconductivity

02.07.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Christian Baumgartner
Transport and Josephson inductance measurements on epitaxial Al-InAs-based heterostructures

18.06.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Simon Holmer
Supraleitung in schwach dotierten NbSi-Filmen

04.06.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Tim Ascherl
Reactive sputtering of NbN films for thermometry applications

14.05.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Lorenz Bauriedl
Phase slips in crystalline-1D-superconducting devices

07.05.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Leon Müller
Temperature-Dependent Magnetic Penetration Depth in YBCO Thin Films

Seminar calender 2019/2020

30.01.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Simon Feyrer
Magnetwiderstand und Hall-Effekt in dünnen NbSi-Schichten

22.01.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Sofia Blanter
Thermal conductivity and diffusivity of few-layer h-BN

16.01.2020 at 13:30 s.t. Furkan Özyigit
Optimization of the interfacial quality in 2D material heterostructures

5.11.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Linus Fresz
Fabrication and measurement of Josephson junction chains on epitaxial Al-InAs heterostructures

21.11.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Johanna Berger
Reactive sputtering of NbN controlled by plasma spectroscopy

14.11.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Roman Dehling
Messungen zu superisolierendem Titan Nitrid

07.11.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Benedikt Grünewald
Characterization of linear TMR-elements for Angle Sensing

17.10.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Michaela Eichinger
Hybrid 1D-2D van der Waals superconducting systems

Seminar calender 2018/2019

25.07.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Sofia Blanter
Thermal properties of h-BN flakes

18.07.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Christian Bäuml
Design and fabrication of hybrid carbon nanotube - NbSe2 devices for Majorana Fermion detection

04.07.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Stefan Blien
Microwave optomechanics with a carbon nanotube quantum dot

27.06.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Asbjorn Drachmann
High critical field superconducting heterostructures using anodic oxidation. A candidate for perfect Andreev reflection of quantum Hall edge states

23.05.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Christian Baumgartner
Fabrication and transport measurements on epitaxial Al-InAs heterostructures

14.05.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Lorenz Fuchs
Measurement of the kinetic inductance of a thin film superconductor using an RLC-circuit

09.05.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Simon Reinhardt
Single-electron transport in MoS2 nanotubes

17.01.2019 at 13:30 s.t. Lukas Herrmann
Build-up of mircocoils for measuring the anisotropic penetration depth in thin YBCO films

06.12.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Sofia Blanter
Thermal transport in suspended 2D flakes

22.11.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Richard Graaf
Fork production for CNT growth

15.11.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Simon Reinhardt
Transport properties of MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes

08.11.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Lorenz Fuchs
Determination of the Superfluid Stiffness of (un)conventional Superconductors

31.10.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Simon Lang
Electric conduction in thin TiN-films at the insulating side of the SIT

25.10.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Niklas Huettner
Building superconducting resonators for coupling to carbon nanotubes

18.10.2018 at 12:05 s.t. Patrick Steger
Fabrication of a carbon nanotube mechanical resonator using a quartz tuning fork based transfer method

Previous talks

05.07.2018 at 14:00 s.t. Aurelien Schmitt
Fabrication of S-Sm Josephson junctions in 2D heterostructures

12.07.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Brecht Simon
Design and fabrication of hybrid carbon nanotube - NbSe2 devices for Majorana Fermion detection

05.07.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Andrea Seitz
Layer-number mapping of thin NbSe2 crystals by Raman spectroscopy

24.05.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Enzo Kloss
Reports on low-temperature transport measurements of few-layer NbSe2 devices

17.05.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Anh-Tuan N-guyen
Microfabrication of superconducting 2D NbSe2 devices in inert atmosphere

26.04.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Lorenz Bauriedl
Fabrication of NbSe2 to CNT contacts

19.04.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Brecht Simon
Domain wall motion in Permalloy nanowires

01.02.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Dr. Philippe Joyez
Quantum microwaves with a DC-biased Josephson junction

18.01.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Alexander Albang
Fabrication development of hybrid systems consisting of a coplanar waveguide and a carbon nanotube

11.01.2018 at 13:30 s.t. Karl Götz
Nanomechanical characterization of the Kondo charge dynamics in a carbon nanotube

21.12.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Paul Linsmaier
Magnetotransport in nanocrystalline and bombarded Graphene

14.12.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Patrick Steger
Carbon nanotube transfer into complex devices with commercial quartz tuning forks

29.11.2017 at 13:15 s.t. Klaus Kronfeldner
Non-equilibrium transport in thin insulating and superconducting films with weak electron-phonon coupling

23.11.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Ajay Kumar Ghosh
Transport properties and Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in anisotropic superconducting systems

16.11.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Lucia Tatsch
Quantum corrections to the electric resistance in thin TiN-films near the superconductor-insulator-transition

02.11.2017 at 13:50 s.t. Simon Reinhardt
Phase-sensitive microwave transmission measurement setups

02.11.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Maria-Teresa Handschuh
New fabrication methods for superconducting contacts on carbon nanotubes

26.10.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Michael Taheri
A possibility of photon-triplet generation in a noble-gas-filled Kagome fiber

27.07.2017 at 14:30 s.t. Stefan Kittl and Hasan Benli
Construction and characterization of a multicoil setup for the angle dependent measurement of superconducting symmetries in unconventional superconductors

20.07.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Wolfgang Moeckel
Coherent Effects in few-layer NbSe2-junctions

13.07.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Christian Baumgartner
Mixed filling factors in QHE regime in charge carrier modulated graphene

06.07.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Andreas Eller
Electrical properties of NbSe2 and MoS2 films.

08.06.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Paul Linsmaier
Tunnel junctions between few-layer NbSe2 monocrystals in the superconducting regime.

18.05.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Tatyana I. Baturina
Charge Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in superconducting NbTiN films.

27.04.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Tuan Le Anh
Frequency- and time-domain characterization of a transmon qubit in a transmission line.

16.02.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Tobias Scharff
Anomalous behaviour of a thin NbSe2 crystal.

09.02.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Sung Ho Jhang
Patterning of periodic ripples in 2D atomic layers by laser irradiation.

02.02.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Lorenz Fuchs
Mutual Inductance and Transport Measurements on Thin Films - Towards Unconventional Superconductivity

26.01.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Thomas Huber
The new low temperature system: A He3/He4-dilution refrigerator

19.01.2017 at 13:50 s.t. Karl Götz
Interplay between mechanical properties and electrical transport of suspended carbon nanotubes.

19.01.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Büsra Yaman
Aufbau und Charakterisierung eines Demonstrationsmodells für eine elektrische Maschine

12.01.2017 at 13:30 s.t. Johannes Keil
Magneto-Resistance-Measurements on fourlayer nanocrystalline graphene.

15.12.2016 at 13:30 s.t. Klaus Kronfeldner
Transport properties of critically disordered TiN films

01.12.2016 at 13:15 s.t. Sasmita Srichandan
Thermal and electrical transport coefficients of CoFe thin films on suspended microcalorimeter.

17.11.2016 at 13:30 s.t. Christian Bäuml
Stamping of CNT's.

10.11.2016 at 13:50 s.t. Stefan Blien
Optomechanical and high frequency motion detection of nanotube mechanical resonators.

10.11.2016 at 13:30 s.t. Michael Schafberger
Shot noise measurements on CNT's.